Neonellis Tzannetos

- Degree in Geology – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1998)
- Master in Geophysics & Seismology – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2001)
Geologist, M.Sc. in Geophycis – Seismology from University of Athens. He has attended courses, workshops and other events at the University of Oslo (Universitete I Oslo), under the European Program ERASMUS. During his collaboration with the Departments of Geophysics – Geothermal and Dynamics, Tectonic and Applied Geology of the University of Athens as well as the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens, he has participated research, scientific and educational activities, through research projects, studies and publications in international journals since 1994. The principal activities focused on the planning and execution of geophysical surveys, processing of obtained data and results, the assembly, processing of tectonic – seismological data of tectonic geodesy, micro-displacements and detection of precursors of seismic phenomena.
Since 2001 and in the context of his collaboration with GEOCONSULT Ltd., as a member of the permanent scientific staff, he is involved in the planning and supervision of sampling bore holes, the execution of lab tests in soil and rock samples, the supervision and execution of static and dynamic penetrometer tests, the planning and execution of geophysical surveys and the participation in the presentation and assessment of the results of the geotechnical investigations. The projects in which he has been involved cover a wide range of geological, geotechnical, geoenvironmental, geophysical and other studies.
He is a certified Public Works designer, class A in categories 27 (Environmental Studies) and 20 (Geologic Studies and Surveys).