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Dimitrios Platis

Civil Engineer – Geotechnical Engineer


  • BEng in Civil Engineering – University of Portsmouth (GB) (2005)
  • Master (MSc) – University of Portsmouth (GB) (2006)


Civil and Geotechnical Engineer since 2006, with experience in design studies, supervision, control and monitoring of geotechnical projects, as a permanent collaborator of GEOCONSULT Ltd., in which he is a member of the scientific staff since 2007.

He has obtained significant experience in the following main working areas, related to geotechnical studies and surveys:

  • Geotechnical studies and investigation for a wide spectrum of public and private projects, as well as in design studies of geotechnical works of retaining structures in deep excavations, retaining walls, special foundations, slope stabilization/protection, slope stability, restoration of landslides, ground improvement, reinforced earth and many other similar projects.
  • Presentation and evaluation of geotechnical investigations’ results
  • Supervision and quality control of geotechnical works
  • Control and evaluation of geotechnical studies
  • Planning, execution and evaluation of instrumented monitoring of geotechnical works
  • Participation in the planning, execution and evaluation of trial loading of foundation piles, anchors and soil nails.