The company owns a certified Soil Mechanics / Rock Mechanics / Concrete Testing Laboratory (Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport & Networks), where we can execute conventional and specialized Laboratory tests like:
Soil Classification Tests
- Preparation under dry conditions of disturbed soil samples for laboratory tests (Ε105-86/1, ASTM D421).
- Determination of natural water content w (Ε105-86/2, ASTM D2216).
- Determination of the bulk density of cohesive soils (BS 1377-2, ASTM D4531).
- Determination of specific weight (Ε105-86/4,ASTM D854).
- Determination of liquid limit (Ε105-86/5, ASTM D4318).
- Determination of plasticity limit and plasticity index (Ε105-86/6, ASTM D4318).
- Grain size distribution analysis of fine-grained and coarse materials (Ε105-86/7, ASTM D422).
- Determination of fine-grained materials, passing through a No200 sieve (Ε105-86/8, ASTM D1140).
- Grain size distribution analysis with a hydrometer (Ε105-86/9, AASHTO T88, ASTM D422)
- Determination of water content – density correlation, according to the Standard Proctor method (Ε105-86/10, ASTM D698).
- Determination of water content – density correlation, according to the Modified Proctor method (Ε105-86/11, ASTM D1557).
- Determination of soils’ pH (ASTM D2976, ASTM D4972, BS 1377-3).
Soil Mechanical Characteristics Tests
In our laboratory facilities, the following tests for the specification of the mechanical characteristics of soils are carried out:
- Determination of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) (E105-86/12, ASTM D1886).
- 1-D consolidation test (Ε105-86/13, ASTM D2435).
- 1-D swelling or consolidation potential test (ASTM D4546, BS1377-5).
- Unconfined compression test (Ε105-86/14, ASTM D2166).
- Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression test in cohesive soils and measurement of excess pore pressures (UU) (E105-86/15, ASTM D2850, BS1377-7).
- Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression test in cohesive soils and measurement of excess pore pressures (CUPP) (E105-86/15, ASTM D4767, BS1377-8).
- Consolidated Drained Triaxial compression test in cohesive soils (CD) (E105-86/15, BS1377-8).
- Unconsolidated direct (fast) simple shear test (UU) (E105-86/16).
- Consolidated direct simple (fast) shear test (CU) (E105-86/16).
- Consolidated direct (slow) simple shear test CD) (E105-86/16, ASTM D3080, BS 1377-7).
- Consolidated direct (slow) simple shear test, with multiple loading-reloading (CD-Residual) (BS 1377-7).
- Permeability test (of variable load) (Ε105-86/18, Earth Manual, W. Lambe).
- Permeability test in the consolidation apparatus (Ε105-86/19, Earth Manual, W. Lambe).
Rock Mechanics tests
Below, you will find a list of the possible rock mechanics tests we can perform in our facility:
- Preparation of cylindrical rock specimen (ASTM D4543).
- Determination of a rock sample’s natural water content (E103-84/1, ASTM D2216).
- Determination of bulk density (linear method).
- 1-D compression test (E103-84/4, ASTM D2938, ASTM D3148).
- Splitting tensile strength of intact rock core specimens (Brazilian test) (ASTM D3967).
- Relaxation test of rock samples with the method of plain immersion in water (Kentucky Method 64-514-02, Colorado Procedure 26-90).
Concrete testing
In our lab facility, the following tests on concrete samples are carried out:
- Sampling and preservation of concrete samples
- 1-D compression of concrete samples