New Lab facility for Geoconsult Ltd!
04 August 2016
On July 8th 2016 the new Soil, Rock mechanics and Concrete testing laboratory facility of GEOCONSULT Ltd was inaugurated at the Spata Business Park.
The construction of the laboratory was funded by the NSRF and it is a modern, operating facility with many innovations in environmental and energy design aspects. The laboratory is certified by the Greek Ministry of Public Works and is fully equipped to perform all the soil and rock mechanics tests, as well as the typical tests on concrete specimen.
The laboratory is easily accessible from Attika Road, as well as the Athens Int’l Airport El. Venizelos.
Contact Details:Petra Gialou Business Park
34 Municipal Road
190 04 Spata
Tel.: +30 210-6004741 (main offices)
Τel./Fax: 210-6635215 (lab)